Step One: 12-min to change your studio:


Want to install this system in your photography studio? Pick a time to speak below:

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“OH. MY. GOD. SIX. 6 SESSIONS BOOKED, PAID ON THE PHONE, DATES SELECTED, PRICES REVIEWED - in 2 FLIPPIN DAYS. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ And 3 more who asked to pay later. I’m not saying I’m winning the contest, but I am saying I’m not losing ๐Ÿ˜‰”

-Melody Spradley

“Since I joined a little over 2 weeks ago I’ve booked 6 out of 9 calls, and changed my website never gets leads and it’s gotten TWO leads in the last 24 hours. This has been the best investment yet and I’m not even finished with Humberto’s website lesson!”

-Ashley Reida

“Just joined the group last week - got my first phone consult through fb prospecting (she didn't book, but it still felt like a win) and my first client to book using Humberto's phone script. She said, "Wow, this is going to be even more awesome than I thought!" Yay!”

-Liz Hansen


“I don’t want to be like a broken record, but man Jenn’s and Humberto’s class is truly game changer. In last two months my business is on a whole new level and they provided us with so many tools and information that is helping me book clients and get higher sales.  I am still not where I know I could be, but I am aiming for 100K this year and it’s feasible thanks to this program! I highly recommend you guys check it out. I earned back my investment first week in the class!”

-Dijana Škarica

So many people offer programs that will "get you bookings." “The mastermind is so much more! It teaches you how to get paid bookings and gives you the tools to handle all of the inquiries. It also helps teach you how to scale your business! Plus having a mentor that is still actively shooting boudoir and knows the current struggle with social marketing is amazing! Jenn Bruno Smith and Humberto Garcia are a power team for sure! You learn all aspects from the tech side, building business partnerships, marketing, customer support, amd so much more! Definitely worth the investment๐Ÿ™Œ”



Let's do it!
What are you waiting for?

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Two Step

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